Getting to Compton Verney
How to find us
We’ve partnered with You.Smart.Thing, a travel assistant which helps visitors to Compton Verney and the surrounding area find the best routes and receive personalised travel updates and live travel news when travelling to us. It’s free to use, there’s nothing to download and you can quickly and easily plan your trip.
You can use You.Smart.Thing. to choose an efficient travel plan that suits you, that will help you reduce your carbon footprint or find the most suitable active travel route for your visit. It can also help you access electric vehicle charging points, accessible parking and Park and Ride services.
Compton Verney is situated nine miles east of Stratford-upon-Avon on the B4086 between Wellesbourne and Kineton and is a six miles drive from the M40, Junction 12. Follow brown signs marked for Compton Verney.
Our location on What3Words is precluded.shunted.likewise
There is a free car park onsite. Please note, we currently have one electric car point in operation, allocated on a first come, first serve basis.
Compton Verney is a 40-minute drive from Birmingham International Airport, or 90 minutes from Heathrow.
The nearest stations are Leamington Spa, Warwick Parkway, Stratford-upon-Avon and Banbury.
Chiltern Railways offers a fast, efficient service from London and Birmingham which stops at all of these stations.
Compton Verney is then a 20-30 minute taxi ride depending on which station you are travelling from.
The 77 and 77B operating by Stagecoach Buses is a regular bus service to and from Compton Verney. Please visit Stagecoach Buses for further information.
UBUS is a community transport service that operates on a dial-a-ride basis. The service is for residents of Stratford-on-Avon district, who cannot access public transport because of mobility issues or live in an area with limited or no public transport.
There is only one road that passes Compton Verney on which traffic travels quite fast so please be careful when you are cycling to us and make sure you know your route before you depart.
You can hire bikes in nearby Stratford upon Avon.
staying in the area?
We have a few local hotels:
The Charlecote Pheasant Hotel – 01789 335960
Mallory Court Country House Hotel & Spa – 01926 330214
The Arden Hotel – 01789 298682